vast rural areas中文什么意思

发音:   用"vast rural areas"造句
  • vast:    adj. 1.广大的,辽阔的,(海、 ...
  • rural:    adj. 乡下的,农村(风味)的 ( ...
  • area:    n. 1.面积;平地;地面。 2.空 ...
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  1. " so there is still plenty of room for growth , especially in the country ' s vast rural areas , " the report says
    统计报告中说, “所以,餐饮业增长的空间还很大,尤其是在广大的农村地区。 ”
  2. " so there is still plenty of room for growth , especially in the country ' s vast rural areas , " the report says
    统计报告中说, “所以,餐饮业增长的空间还很大,尤其是在广大的农村地区。 ”
  3. In the vast rural areas , the market share and business network of rccs have unparalleled advantages with other financial institutions
  4. And the imperfect credit system in the vast rural areas is seriously hampering the income increasing of peasants , agricultural development and rural prosperity
  5. For developing rural sport , vast rural areas should be focused on , but it is not necessary to base the key point on small towns , and the government should undertake the major responsibility for developing rural sport


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  4. vast meadows stretch to the east 什么意思
  5. vast potential for future development 什么意思
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  9. vast stretches of construction area 什么意思
  10. vast stretches of paddy fields 什么意思


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